jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2010

Emergency contraception... Good or bad?

The topic of emergency contraception is something that engages me deeply as a future midwife.

Emergency contraception is birth control pills that are taken in special doses within the first 5 days or 120 hours after unprotected intercourse to prevent pregnancy and/or abortion. It is also used in the event that the contraceptive method has failed or is used improperly, or finally, in case more tragic as is rape.

Doctor Valenzuela thinks that these data show definite postovulatory effects of LNG EC with a probability distribution of pregnancies issued from daily intercourses within the fertile period of the menstrual cycle.

Doctor Croxato thinks that doctor Valenzuela's hypothesis is wrong because have not built mechanism of action studies. In science today, the only valid method for testing a hypothesis or answering a defined question based on scientific evidence requires an appropriate specific experimental design.

In 2006, the Ministry of Health of our country established , among other decisions, the distribution of emergency contraception to persons over 14 years in the public health system, without permission from their parents. For this reason it has been a subject of great debate, because there are those who are against this measure because they say this would violate the primary right of parents to educate their children.

From my point of view, if the parents have educated their children on sexuality and fertility based on their values, could avoid circumstances in which they have to go to the use of EC, for example, providing information on contraceptive methods

As a future health professional, I believe that the most important is to educate the population about emergency contraception, providing information that their use depends on the time of the menstrual cycle to take effect that will have, and explain that there is no scientific evidence that this is act after fertilization. Therefore, it is not abortive, and is not effective if you have already initiated a pregnancy. And lastly, encourage its use as this may prevent many unwanted pregnancies and / or abortions.

martes, 7 de septiembre de 2010

See the world from a spiritual plane*...

See the world from a spiritual plane ... a beautiful road that governs my life. It is beyond the material which governs the world today, beyond the physical that today fills television, radio, newspaper and all media. Beyond human relations ... is a connection there is the greatest thing in my life, my God.

It's being able to put all the trust that exists in you, in your hands. Let the drive your life, according to his will. Govern your act on his word, what he wants us to do. Make every decision based on what your heart dictates, nothing more.

It is to live to the best of each, in every small detail. It is knowing, and completely convinced that a small gesture can change the world. Is to help as you can with what you can.

You feel love, happiness, kindness, sincerity, honesty, strength, power, freedom, harmony within yourself. It is fighting for your ideals.

And never forget… To have true success in life is: laugh a lot and many times win the respect of intelligent people, enjoy the affection of children; gain recognition of skilled, and to be able to bear the betrayal of false friends, to appreciate beauty; find the best others, to leave the world a little better than you found it - a happier person, knows that at least someone has been better because of you.

A lifestyle hard to explain but easy to feel. A beautiful way of looking at life that I never want to leave.