jueves, 22 de abril de 2010

BLOG 1: About me

Hello! My name is Constanza Pérez. I am nineteen years old and I live in Maipú. Now I am in second year of Obstetrics in the faculty of medicin in the University of Chile. This career is very interesting for me because in my opinion the moment in that the newborn has arrived to the world is sacred. I want to become a excelent midwife for help millions of women during all their life, and all their familiar environment too.

The saturday 27 of february of this year at 3:34, in Chile there was an earthquake very disastrous. In this moment I was in the house of my best friend without my family, and I was very scared. Later when I watched the television I saw the sure of Chile destroy but the really shocking for me was all the hospital destroy and all pregnancy's women and newborn without attention of a midwife. This broken my heart.

6 comentarios:

  1. Coni: very interesting blog, and beautiful picture.

  2. Hello ConiCon !!!
    you are so sensitive!!!!


    I love your blog (L)

  3. Hello CoNyGrooVY!!
    Very beautiful your blogs, with many colors very nice that you...

    Thanks for stay at your house..
    Cony! I love you too much!!



  4. Hello friend..:)....beautiful blog!!!....I understand you...I feel the same...;)

    Conny!!! I love you so much....:)

    kisses and hugs

    Patty :P

  5. Dear Coni!
    I felt the same about you seeing the news after the earthquake, it was very shocking to see so many people who lost everything they owned; homes, schools, hospitals and most unfortunate was that they also lost their families.
    Kisses!... bye!

    ..an excellent...
    ..to help millions..
    ..in that moment..
    ..in my best´s friend house..
    ..pregnant woman..

    Be careful about grammar and vocabulary
