jueves, 27 de mayo de 2010

My future as a midwife!

When I decided this career for my future I didn't know clarity in relation with the different specialities of this area.

However, always I would imagine my future working far from the city, somewhere where the persons did not have so much access to hospitals, public health system or clinics as here in the city.

This vision has not changed and even I want to be employed in the future first in the south of Chile in many localities removed from the urbanization and after to be employed in different countries of the world with major problems of birthrate and fecundity, for example: Africa.

My ideal schedule in relation with my future as a midwife is to help build a better world by improving the quality of life of people and I think the best way is to intervene in the formation of a new born from the moment of fertilization.

I want to help women from a health point of view to educate them in a future pregnancy or throughout their lifetime to benefit their development and welfare as well as the new being that will be formed.

After finishing my career as a midwife I want to work in the public health system because it is where the highest percentage of population that needs lots of help and also is the focus of major health problems because in this population there are more risk factors by economic, educational, and social problems.

I love helping people*

jueves, 20 de mayo de 2010

Blog number 3!

The first year of university I had only subject of basic sciences very similar to the subjects of the college.

This was not fun for my and not motivanting for study, however, I had to make an effort and fight for obtain good results. In the second semester of first year I had contents very fun and interesting because I had to realized a practice in the hospital. I love it.

But, however, the most interesting contents for me in this year is Physiological obstetrics because it is the content very near to my career because we have class that then we complete with workshops for example, control of pregnancy, obstetric semiology, changes in the pregnancy, etc.

The easiest contents of the class are those that are in conexion with the obstetric semiology and general changes in the pregnancy because they are not complicated for me because in the last year of university we realized workshops in relation with this topic.

The most difficult contents of the class was embriology because I had forgotten this contents and it was difficult for me.

The teacher that teach this subject in the university are midwives of the school of midwefery. The teaching of this content are specialists in this and with a lot of professional experience.

About my grades or my mark it are good.

In conclusion... I love physiological obstetrics ♥

jueves, 6 de mayo de 2010

Blog number 2


This website is a platform of comunication between students and academic of the university of Chile. The site is a service very importat as a support for learning in all years of the career. It includes graphical design, tecnical support, information about investigations, and information about every course of the career. As well it includes options of the comunication through forum with the teachers and the classmate.

One of the most important aspect of this page is that it let me to know the mark of every matter and the guidelines of evaluation of every work.

The sections of this site are blog, calendar, channels, information of the user, favorites, record, timetable, and individual webmail.

Every day I visit this site for be informed about everything of the subject for the next day in the university.

I like this site because it let me to dowload the class, to clarify doubts with my classmate and the teachers and of course to keep a support of great communication in the university community. In conclusion this site is fundamental in my academic life of everyday. I love it!