jueves, 27 de mayo de 2010

My future as a midwife!

When I decided this career for my future I didn't know clarity in relation with the different specialities of this area.

However, always I would imagine my future working far from the city, somewhere where the persons did not have so much access to hospitals, public health system or clinics as here in the city.

This vision has not changed and even I want to be employed in the future first in the south of Chile in many localities removed from the urbanization and after to be employed in different countries of the world with major problems of birthrate and fecundity, for example: Africa.

My ideal schedule in relation with my future as a midwife is to help build a better world by improving the quality of life of people and I think the best way is to intervene in the formation of a new born from the moment of fertilization.

I want to help women from a health point of view to educate them in a future pregnancy or throughout their lifetime to benefit their development and welfare as well as the new being that will be formed.

After finishing my career as a midwife I want to work in the public health system because it is where the highest percentage of population that needs lots of help and also is the focus of major health problems because in this population there are more risk factors by economic, educational, and social problems.

I love helping people*

4 comentarios:

  1. helping people is one of the nicest things you can do. I know God will help you in everything you do, and that will give you more than you expect. God bless you

  2. hello friend....I like your thinking ... no doubt you'll be a good midwife ... have a great spirit of public service ... I love your vocation ... I congratulate you...
    kisses and hugs
    bye :)

  3. coni very nice what you wrote, I'm sure you will achieve your goals, very successful. bye =)

    -I didn´t know CLEARLY the different..

