jueves, 24 de junio de 2010

My ideal job... ♥

Everyone once in their life as children thought about what they would like to work when they were adult people.

I was not the exception, of course. Since I was a child I am very interested to work with people and especially to help. For this reason I chose a career in health like this.

My ideal job always imagined in rural location, away from the city, for example the south of Chile, because in this place the people can not reach health centers and therefore I want became the professional to visit each patient.

The kind of people that I want to work in the future are poor women and adolescent who had no access to health, for I want integrate them, solve their problems and improve their lives.

I want to work independently because I want to travel around the country helping everyone who needs it.

In relation to the specialty that I would like to achieve, in this moment is neonatology, because I love babies.

In think that in my hands will be a great responsibility to help pregnant women to take a good gestation to promote development of the baby and the mother's welfare.

In my ideal job finally I want that the schedule is very flexible because, as I want to work independently, my work will depend on the needs of people in each location.

jueves, 17 de junio de 2010

A great blessing in my life ♥

It was in the first days of March of 2009 when I met someone who would change my life. My new companion mate ...

When we begin to know, our personalities had many things in common, we liked the same music and also shared one of the most important things in our lives, the great love of God. Strange, but I felt a love and trust so great to her in such a short time became a major support for me within the University.

Over the years we shared many moments together, had a great time, went shopping, we went to reggae music gigs and studied together.

It was well as the time passed until September, when he told me that she wanted to change to medicine. First I felt too sad because She give it up the University, but my sorrow increased when she said me that if she was not in medicine here in Santiago (again would render the PSU), she would leave the town. But, inside my heart felt too happiness because she was going to be fine and would study what they really wanted. And so it was like his dream came true in June 2010 and now she is studying what she always wanted at the University of Antofagasta.

Our friendship despite the distance grows every day more, we talk every week, and we always care for each other. She is like a sister to me, a travel companion, dreams and life.

I love you my bestfriend and I've missed you too!!!
You are a great blessing in my life ♥

Dedicated to Ximena Loyola Moreno by Constanza Pérez Labarca.

jueves, 10 de junio de 2010

Education is a way of prevention and prevention is health ♥...

In my opinion it is essential before starting to develop a topic to define the concepts that will be used in this blog.

Education is a multidirectional process whereby knowledge is passed on, values, customs and ways of acting. Education not only occurs through the word: it is present in all our actions, feelings and attitudes. Prevention is to avoid a problem or damage before its onset.

For all health professional the education and prevention are considered as a fundamental tool to promote the health of people.

But, How we can educate people? Well, the health professionals everyday will be in contact with different people that require our attention for this is necessary to adapt education to each characteristics of group.

After having identified the group that will receive an educative intervention is possible to decide how to educate. For example, through educational lectures and preventive at hospitales, emergency center, in educational workshops in schools, in companies or in any place of the comunity, etc.

There are many health topics that can be used for education and prevention in the community. Today the most needed by the community are obesity, cardiovascular disease, hypertension and sex education, among others.

The kind of people that need education and prevention depends on every country, society and culture because each will have different needs.

However, in my point of view there is a particular subject that I would like to teach that is related to my profession, this is teenage pregnancy. I think that this is an issue that today is fashionable in our society.I believe it's important to work with adolescents by educating and informing the diferent contraceptive methods that exist and are affordable for they in conection with to inform that being a mother is a big responsibility requiring psychological maturity, a great delivery and most importantly ... much love for the newborn.

Education is a way of prevention
and prevention is health♥...

jueves, 3 de junio de 2010

What is the most important gender in health?

In the health area there are careers in which men predominate as medical technology and physiotherapy. There are other careers that are divided between men and women as medicine and also there are careers that have a predominance of women for example nursing, nutrition, occupational therapy and of course our career, midwifery.

In relation with the responsibilities, once men and women at the time of become professionals have the same responsibilities, but it is important to know that a higher proportion of women in the area of health than men. The consequence of this is that women have more social responsibility because they work higher percentage the population.

With respect to salary, in my opinion should be similar between men and women, since they are equally qualified, academically formed in the same years and women and men have the same role in the area, and there aren’t reason to have differences between salary of men and women.

In Relation with the kind of patients, my point of wiew is that in every careers with the exception of midwefery the type of patients is similar between professional men and women there are not gender discrimination between the patient.

But most important aspect is known that occurs in our career. Midwifery is a career with higher percentage of women, and the public that we serve are single women, so that we studied all the processes in their life and we are in intimately connected with them. This can be a problem for some male students of our career because there are women who feel intimidated, uncomfortable and ashamed by a man. In other case, there are women gives them more confidence that a professional man because it gives them more confidence, and finally there are patients that are not important if they are assisted by man or a woman because they find it equally professional and responsible.