jueves, 17 de junio de 2010

A great blessing in my life ♥

It was in the first days of March of 2009 when I met someone who would change my life. My new companion mate ...

When we begin to know, our personalities had many things in common, we liked the same music and also shared one of the most important things in our lives, the great love of God. Strange, but I felt a love and trust so great to her in such a short time became a major support for me within the University.

Over the years we shared many moments together, had a great time, went shopping, we went to reggae music gigs and studied together.

It was well as the time passed until September, when he told me that she wanted to change to medicine. First I felt too sad because She give it up the University, but my sorrow increased when she said me that if she was not in medicine here in Santiago (again would render the PSU), she would leave the town. But, inside my heart felt too happiness because she was going to be fine and would study what they really wanted. And so it was like his dream came true in June 2010 and now she is studying what she always wanted at the University of Antofagasta.

Our friendship despite the distance grows every day more, we talk every week, and we always care for each other. She is like a sister to me, a travel companion, dreams and life.

I love you my bestfriend and I've missed you too!!!
You are a great blessing in my life ♥

Dedicated to Ximena Loyola Moreno by Constanza Pérez Labarca.

7 comentarios:

  1. hello...
    what a beautiful, friend ... I loved your story ...
    for me the Xime also means a lot to me ...
    I miss her too ...
    both were very supportive to me last year ... love them very much ....
    bye :)

  2. Cony very nice person as always!
    Always think that friendship grows every day and not
    distances matter if it's a true friendship.

    I can imagine how happy your friend will feel so beautiful to see
    dedication ..

    kisses ..

    cuidate .. See you soon.

    I love you..


  3. cony your history is very nice.
    Xime is a good and very nice person.
    their friendship is very sincere.
    good luck!

  4. coni:
    I think that the most beautiful in life is love
    and friendship.
    that good that you find in college
    a friend, and that even though very often are not
    friendship and love that you have not yet finished.

    very nice to have friends

  5. Cony:
    You have the lucky to find a real friend
    the distance only is a number
    when the love and friendship es real
    nothing can stop it!!
    never change

    good luck
    see you!

  6. Cony, Ximena has the best friend.. you!!!

    It´s great hear about the good relation that both have... and that in spite of the distance, you work for strengthening this friendship...

    -would TAKE the PSU
    -felt TOO HAPPY

